By Yaelle Gurevich.

The fusion of the delicious components of all four food groups into one spectacular explosion of flavour is probably the best invention known to man. The Sandwich manages to take any combination of your favourite foods and allow you to experience them all in one single bite. It can be eaten while doing other activities because of how easy it is to hold. The question is, what genius thought of this groundbreaking idea and how did it come about? 

John Montague

The sandwich was named after an 18th century Englishman. He cleverly figured out a way to multitask by eating and gambling at the same time. Since he didn’t want to take a break from his game, he asked a servant to bring him a piece of meat in between two pieces of toast. His fellow gamblers then started asking for the same thing, and eventually it became a popular request. The man’s name was John Montague, 4th earl of Sandwich. He unintentionally invented an easy way to combine a meal with a finger food and for that, his name will never be forgotten.

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Origins of Popular Foods: The Sandwich