By Maria Gurevich.

Knowledgeable, worldly, well-rounded children whose value system is similar to our own are every parent’s dream. With the abundance of educational resources and activities, we forget that nothing has more impact on a child than interaction with a parent. A long car ride, a flight, a walk, or a meal are great opportunities to open our children’s minds with these discussion questions:

  1. What is the best talent someone could have?
  2. What is the hardest thing in the world?
  3. What is the one thing children should never do?
  4. What is the one rule you should never break?
  5. If you could teach the world something, what would you teach?
  6. Why do we need police? 
  7. If you could help a group of people, whom would you help and how?
  8. Why do we need government?
  9. What does home mean to you?
  10. What can we learn by observing animals? 

Never criticize the answers. Children learn better in a supportive environment. Hear them out and offer your opinion as another possibility. These questions are suitable for children as young as four, and some even younger. They work well with older students and can be used as writing prompts in the classroom or by home educators to compliment the creative writing prompts I post on my Instagram on Mondays. For now, I decided to start with the easiest ten. I will post more very soon. In the meantime, enjoy other articles in this blog and check out my writing classes for children of all ages and levels. 

10 Questions for Enlightening Discussions with your Child